i cried im sry
i cried im sry
If only Johnny Depp had Phoenix Wright as his lawyer, we wouldve gotten the court case as this.
the new spider man movie looks great!
You sir are definitely a man with talent. amazing work!
This similarly sort of happen to a kid back when I was younger. My cousins, friends, and I used to have dirt fights in my backyard, since was mostly full of dirt sand and no soil dirt. Soon one kid slapped a handful of dirt into another kids face that he started to cry and yell "it burns!" since it got into his eyes,
We then told him to say that he tripped and fell face flat on some dirt, and unlike the stick idea it worked. Probably because he wouldn't stop crying and it seemed that his parents "knew" it already.
Thank you for the story! That sounds so sad and hilarious
Damn. Why do I somehow relate to this guy?
pennus caac
dis fooni.
Still drawing stuff but stuck between sketching ideas or my 'reality'. man listen to me sounding poetic and shiiii like bruh.
Piece of garbitch
college bb :(
Earth, duh.
Joined on 4/12/21